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- FIRE FROM THE SKY: Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles
- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 12:
- The radically new Phantom war plane caused an equally radical revision of
- the master war strategy of the U.S. Elements of several past strategies
- were being blended together to create a new and grander plan. It was the
- new grand master strategy which America's war planners were counting on to
- bring them victory in Nuclear War One, and they planned to use the war plan
- very quickly - by Autumn of 1982, with or without the proper surveillance
- hoped for by Shuttle flight No. 3.
- Strategic nuclear war planning in Washington was being carried out under
- the code name "Project Z." The letter "Z" was chosen because it is the
- final letter of the alphabet. The war planners were confident that this
- would be the last war plan they would need against Russia. War planning
- under Project Z was so secret that it was not being done at the Pentagon
- itself; instead, an elite group of war strategists were assembled at a
- special war room in downtown Washington. The war room was hidden away in a
- building which would never be suspected for the purpose. It was practically
- within the shadow of the White House.
- The elite war planners for Nuclear War One were a very small group. Their
- job was to think in terms of the big overall picture. They had at their
- fingertips computer terminals with which they could access any information
- they needed from other government computers (using PROMIS software stolen
- from Inslaw, for instance). This included not only Pentagon data banks but
- also the computer files of all other government agencies.
- By May the Project Z planners had already arrived at the broad outlines for
- their master war plan. Countless details and refinements still lay ahead,
- but the basic strategy was already decided. That strategy bears looking at
- herein.
- The Project Z strategy for Nuclear War One was a three-phase plan - that
- is, the war planners intended for the war to proceed in three distinct
- phases known as: Phase 1 - Initiation; Phase 2 - Attrition; and Phase 3 -
- Domination.
- The major process was based on ever-increasing world crises, like those
- that led up to World War I. We were seeing that process in full swing all
- around us. It was planned that these crises escalate for about six
- additional months and finally the spark would be set off. The Project Z war
- planners were concerned with the military acts from that initial spark
- onward.
- Phase Number One: In their plan, the Initiation Phase would begin with an
- American surprise attack against Russia. The surprise attack would use the
- new Phantom war planes. They would be the key to the outcome of the rest of
- the war.
- In the summer of 1978 America had begun major shifting to a first-strike
- nuclear strategy against Russia. It would be a first strike. It would be to
- knock out the Earth bases for Russia's space triad of strategic weapons. If
- that could be done, Russia's overwhelming military power in space would
- soon wither and perish.
- That would leave the U.S. and Russia on more equal terms for the rest of
- the war. The plan was to use a combination of Subcraft and Unmanned
- Aircraft called RPVs for the initial attack. That plan was actually
- attempted some two years prior but ended in total failure because Subcraft
- of RPVs were no match for Russia's Cosmospheres with their beam weapons,
- but the new Phantom war planes were almost ready and the plan was being
- revived in updated form.
- Phantom war planes were intended to be based in at least three countries on
- Russia's doorstep. These basing areas were: northern Norway; eastern
- Turkey; and most critical of all, Sinkiang Province in northwestern China.
- Now you know why Reagan and others became so cozy with China! Already,
- high-powered lasers were being moved into those areas. They were equipped
- with the new aiming device called CEIR (see-er). Those lasers had the
- proven ability to shoot down Cosmospheres. They would be used to protect
- the Phantom war planes from destruction on the ground by Cosmospheres.
- The Phantom war planes which would be used were unmanned. They were
- equipped with robot pilots which would be programmed for a one-way trip.
- The invisible robot pilot and aircraft would fly through Russian air space,
- invulnerable to any beam-weapon attacks. Anti-aircraft missiles fired at
- them would be unable to home in on them, and so the Project Z planners
- believed that the robot Phantom planes would reach their targets.
- Those targets were Russia's four Cosmodromes for rockets plus several
- Cosmosphere installations in central Siberia. The invisible robot planes
- would crash like kamikazes into their targets. Seemingly out of the clear
- blue sky, all of Russia's space bases would suddenly vanish in
- thermonuclear fireballs.
- In addition to Russia's space bases, the Phantom war plane assault would
- also be directed at one other category of prime targets. These were the
- bases for Russia's flying Anti-missile System. The system consisted of a
- fleet of TU-144 Supersonic Transports equipped with particle-beam weapons.
- They were supposed to provide Russia's final line of defense against
- incoming missile warheads. American Phantom war planes would be programmed
- to destroy the TU-144 bases.
- Phase #1 was continuing on a very tight timetable by May, 1982. If the
- invisible war plane attack would succeed, a furious counterattack by Russia
- was guaranteed. Project Z called for the U.S. to beat Russia to the punch.
- The entire U.S. nuclear arsenal was to be fired at Russia.
- It would be done by creating the false indication that America was under
- nuclear attack. The method which would be employed was known as
- Electromagnetic Pulse or EMP. EMP is a phenomenon associated with nuclear
- blasts at the fringes of space. The strategic forces were programmed to
- consider an EMP episode to be positive proof of a Russian attack. Under
- those circumstances, they were instructed to counterattack against Russia
- without waiting for any further orders.
- In the Project Z timetable, the Phantom was plane explosions in Russia
- would be followed moments later by nuclear detonations over North America.
- These would be the warheads of American high-speed missiles called ACMs.
- They would be launched into the sky from various locations around the U.S.
- to create a violent EMP episode. The Strategic/Nuclear Forces, obeying
- orders, would launch what they would believe to be a retaliation against
- Russia.
- As the American ACMs would be launched into the sky over our heads, still
- another event was to be underway. Keep in mind the episode of January,
- 1982, whereby a Russian Cosmosphere had been shot down for the fist time -
- over New Jersey. In the same way, high-power lasers located in many places
- around the U.S. would be shooting down as many Cosmospheres as possible.
- By the time our ICBMs were launched a few minutes later, it could be
- expected that many of the threatening Cosmospheres overhead would have been
- destroyed. They would be unable to blast all of our missiles as they were
- launched, and many would survive to be on their way to Russia. Thanks to
- the initial Phantom war plane attack, Russia's flying ABM system would also
- be out of action. Stripped of all her defenses against missile attack, the
- Soviet Union would soon be aflame with a sea of nuclear firestorms.
- In the Project Z war plan, the arrival of American ICBMs on Russian targets
- would mark the end of Phase #1, the Initiation Phase.
- Phase Number Two: This is the Attrition Phase. During Phase #2 the war
- planners envisioned extreme damage to both the U.S. and to Russia, with the
- war gradually running down. First there would be a rain of Russian missile
- warheads on the U.S. There would also be missile attacks on certain other
- targets around the world where American Military Forces were located, but
- the real destruction would be right in the U.S. itself.
- The Project Z war planners did not expect America, as you know it, to
- survive a nuclear exchange. Unlike Russia, the U.S. has no Civil Defense
- worthy of the name, let alone hardened blast shelters and, because of the
- need for total surprise in the attack against Russia's space bases, the
- ensuing nuclear exchanges would come without warning. Vacationers would be
- on beaches, businessmen would be making deals, housewives would be in
- supermarkets, children would be at play, etc.
- In my July 1978 newsletter I warned that it was the policy of the U.S. to
- NOT warn its population. Suddenly air raid sirens might start to blare, as
- they would do so on a summer day in Hiroshima years ago, but it would be
- too late. The America you know and love would die in a thousand Hiroshimas.
- The war schemers have planned for all that and have only updated the plans
- to suit changes in happenings TODAY.
- While you and your children vanish from the face of the Earth, they fully
- intended and still intend to be riding out any attack they have caused,
- inside Government war bunkers build with your taxpayer money, at Camp
- David, Mount Weather, Pine Gap, China Lake and DOZENS of other locations.
- Do you have your passes to these places? I thought not.
- Gradually, over a period of many months, they fully expected the conflict
- between Russia and the U.S. to sputter out. Both sides would be exhausted
- and ruined; both would lose the capacity to carry the war any further.
- In Russia, the wound would be grievous - up to 50 million dead and millions
- more injured and dying. BUT IN THE U.S. THE WOUND WOULD BE MORTAL. The
- Project Z war planners had figured it out on their computers. If we were
- lucky, from 40 to 50 million Americans might survive at the end of the war.
- All the rest would have been killed outright in the nuclear attacks or
- would have died of injuries and disease. Nuclear War One would leave
- medical care virtually nonexistent in what would be left of America.
- The American Bolsheviks intended to ride out the war after setting it off.
- They would wait until the stalemate point would be reached with both sides
- unable to fight any longer. That would mark the end of Phase #2, the
- Attrition Phase.
- Phase Number Three: Finally, the Project Z war plan would move into the
- third and final phase. That phase, of course, would be world domination by
- the SATANIC BOLSHEVIKS/ZIONISTS (PARASITES) who already controlled and
- control the U.S. military.
- In the final phase as planned for 1982, the Bolsheviks/Zionists in America
- would be taking advantage of secret preparations which began long, long
- prior.
- One arm of the prior plan had been strategy which required the U.S. to give
- the impression that it was growing steadily weaker, disarming unilaterally,
- closing military bases, and so on, but that was only for public
- consumption. The secret side of the strategy involved an actual buildup of
- armaments, in secret. This necessitated a secret government, which was set
- up by Jimmy Carter, Oliver North, George Bush, et al., under the
- smokescreen of FEMA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- When the Bolsheviks/Zionists in the U.S. seized power from the
- Rockefellers, they continued the stockpiling of secret reserves of
- armaments world-wide, and especially in Israel. It was well planned that as
- the war began to sputter, all these armaments would be brought into the
- open.
- Even if the entire populations of the U.S. and Russia were destroyed, that
- would still leave 95% of the world's population alive, and under total
- domination of the "Elite." Both the Bolsheviks and the Zionists despise and
- loathe both the Russians and the Americans and world domination could only
- come to the bankers and global cartel through massive damage and/or
- destruction to both major powers.
- Where does all this leave our ally Great Britain? Could it be they plan to
- survive free and clear in domination of the world?
- On March 30, 1982, one day behind schedule, we got to see a Shuttle landing
- at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. White Sands is the true nerve
- center of the Space Shuttle Program, regardless of what the media tells you
- otherwise.
- The third Shuttle flight, regardless of which Shuttle did what, represented
- another "first" and that one was not visible on television. For the first
- time a Space Shuttle had succeeded in its secret military mission. By so
- doing, another barrier was removed in the path to nuclear war.
- The third Shuttle mission took place nearly a year after the first flight
- of April, 1981. A comparison between the first and third flights is a study
- in ironies.
- In the April fiasco, publicity about the first flight was designed to give
- the impression that it was unnaturally perfect. Meanwhile, the secret
- military mission - which you did not see - was a disaster. With the third
- flight, it was the other way around.
- >From start to finish the publicity emanating from NASA gave the impression
- that the Shuttle was plagued with problems. NASA wanted to be able to
- explain it away if disaster should strike again but, as it turned out, the
- military mission in space, hidden from our eyes, was a success and the loss
- of one more Shuttle was not so detrimental to the program as a whole.
- Space Shuttle No. 3 was supposed to orbit a special new Spy Satellite. It
- was hardened against attack from Russia's space weapons and armed with a
- robot-controlled laser that could shoot back. In addition, the Shuttle
- itself was armed with lasers on this third try.
- The public image of a troubled, plagued Shuttle flight actually got
- underway several days prior to launch, thanks to the weather. Drenching
- rainstorms turned Edwards Air Force Base in California, used for the prior
- two landings, into a wet bog. The tight military schedule of the Shuttle
- Program required that the flight take off on schedule anyway, so for public
- consumption a 23-car railroad train loaded with equipment was sent from
- California to New Mexico.
- Ostensibly, NASA was setting up a spur-of-the-moment landing site at the
- White Sands Missile Range. This was done so that the central role of White
- Sands Missile Range in the Shuttle Program would not be suspected by the
- public and would also delete the need for substitute Shuttles in the
- landing itself because it is publicly closed.
- Space Shuttle No. 3 lifted off from Cape Canaveral only an hour behind
- schedule on Monday morning, March 22nd. Beginning at the moment of liftoff,
- NASA started laying the basis for a cover-up story should the military
- mission fail.
- First you heard the pre-recorded voice of Shuttle Commander Jack Lousma
- saying unexplained white flakes were flying past the windshield. Later,
- after the Shuttle was out of sight, we were told that one of the power
- packs called an APU was not functioning. These initial hints of possible
- trouble had been pre-recorded for broadcast during the launch - for a
- reason. There was fear that the Shuttle might be destroyed by Russian space
- weapons before reaching orbit altitude.
- Had that happened, the Shuttle managers wanted to be able to initiate a
- cover-up which would not reveal the military situation; but as it turned
- out, the preparations paid off and, through the radical new maneuver
- already discussed, the Shuttle did at least reach proper altitude.
- When the Shuttle No. 3 took off, it headed into the northeast.
- Long-distance cameras followed it until the two solid rockets separated and
- fell away. Then, as the Shuttle disappeared from sight, it started its long
- sweeping turn into the north. It was heading toward a near-polar orbit so
- that it would pass over Russia. This much of the flight plan was the same
- as in the past, but this time a critical new feature was added.
- Less than 30 seconds after the Shuttle disappeared from TV cameras, the
- cargo-bay doors were blasted completely off. This opened up a field of fire
- for the defensive laser at the front of the cargo bay. Then the Shuttle and
- its giant external tanks started rotating slowly in a space-age version of
- a barrel-roll.
- In World War II, fighter pilots made use of the barrel roll to avoid
- bullets from enemy airplanes. Likewise, the Space Shuttle used a barrel
- roll to protect itself against probable attack from Russian Cosmospheres.
- By rotating like a corkscrew, the Shuttle made it impossible for a
- Cosmosphere to approach safely from any direction. The barrel roll maneuver
- was a very risky one, however, for the Shuttle. The Shuttle and tank were
- not designed with "aerobatics" in mind but calculations showed that it
- should survive a slow roll, and somehow it did.
- One of the biggest questions about the barrel roll stunt was what it would
- do to the astronauts Lousma and Fullerton. They were required to withstand
- these dizzying gyrations for about six minutes. At the same time, the
- Shuttle was still accelerating with up to three times the force of gravity;
- and because of the peculiar design of the Shuttle and fuel tank, the
- gyrations were sickening indeed.
- Military space doctors knew that at best Lousma and Fullerton would be very
- sick for some time after reaching this low orbit. Their wild, bruising,
- spinning ride would end abruptly in weightlessness. That is a combination
- guaranteed to derange the equilibrium of even the toughest astronaut.
- Nothing remotely like it has ever been done. Doctors were rightly worried
- that even if the two survived the mission and returned to Earth, there
- could be permanent damage to their equilibrium.
- When orbit was reached, they did indeed become violently ill. That is why
- you heard those reports about nausea striking both men. NASA wanted to pave
- the way for a plausible public explanation if they should not appear well
- when they returned to Earth. At the same time, the Shuttle planners knew
- perfectly well why they were sick. That is why NASA spokesmen acted so
- unconcerned when discussing the space sickness with reporters. When they
- called it "motion sickness," they were making a gross understatement.
- Lousma and Fullerton were to begin work immediately upon reaching proper
- orbit - sick or not. Their extensively modified crew compartment was to be
- depressurized already - automatically - with the two men depending upon
- their space suits. This plan had to be modified slightly when the barrel
- roll was added to the flight plan.
- When the Shuttle reached orbit the astronauts were in space suits, but the
- cabin was still pressurized. They were allowed several minutes to get from
- the flight deck to the Gemini-type escape capsule stored below. Once inside
- the escape capsule they then depressurized the cabin; then the Nose Laser
- System deployed automatically to protect the Shuttle against any attacks by
- Russian space weapons. This allowed Lousma and Fullerton to recover from
- space sickness while inside the capsule.
- For the ensuing two days or so, getting well was their main task. It was a
- period of total vulnerability, of depending on the untried Automatic Laser
- System for protection. The Shuttle planners wanted to have the excuse ready
- later should the Shuttle be attacked and destroyed. So the day after the
- launch you were shown TV pictures of missing tiles on the nose of the
- Shuttle. According to those pictures at least a dozen tiles in the black
- area were lost.
- If that had really happened, it would have been cause for extreme alarm.
- Later a NASA spokesman downplayed it, saying the tiles were noncritical.
- But there is no such thing as a noncritical black tile. The black tiles
- supposedly lost are to withstand temperatures above 1500 degrees
- Fahrenheit. Under th tile there is nothing but a piece of felt called a
- "strain isolation pad" which would not last five seconds in those
- temperatures, and under the felt is the metal skin of the Shuttle. It is
- made of aluminum, which loses its strength above 350 degrees. If exposes to
- 1500 degree heat by a few missing tiles, the Shuttle could not possibly
- avoid very severe, crippling damage or destruction by rupturing.
- The nice NASA space movies we saw on TV were a pre-recorded hoax to provide
- an excuse if something went wrong, but it didn't. The astronauts recovered,
- went to work, and deployed the new military satellite. Meanwhile, NASA
- spokesmen waved aside the alleged tile problem as minor. It had served its
- purpose and was no longer needed.
- Throughout the remainder of the week we heard about one problem after
- another. Supposedly the cargo bay doors would not close and I guess not,
- since they were blown completely away, the toilet would not work, three out
- of four communications channels went out, one of the three crucial data
- display screens in the cockpit failed, etc. None of these stories was true;
- all were devised to provide blather material and cover story for possible
- problems with the secret military mission. But in the end none of them was
- needed and so NASA spokesmen just waved them aside as unimportant.
- The secret military mission was a success, so the pretended mission which
- was cooked up for TV was declared an overwhelming success, also.